Market entry

How we spied on, attacked and conquered Europe’s third largest market for an international client.

The problem.

A client with an international focus wanted to open up the third largest market in the EU with its products. The task was divided into the preparation of a sales forecast, proposals for product adaptations to meet local market needs, contracts with the four largest players and a handover of the customers to the internal specialist departments after the products had been introduced in the company.

The solution.

Doing some research and using our network, we could quickly identify the target customers. Face-to-face meetings, including with the regulatory and financial authorities, helped determine the local product requirements. During the implementation phase, our customer’s specialist departments were involved at an early stage, so that there were no snafus worth mentioning during or after the product launch.

The result.

The negotiations led to the conclusion of contracts, including an extensive due diligence process. In a follow-up project, we were commissioned to implement a target group-oriented, end-user marketing of their products.